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The Daughter of $Brett is Here To Conquer

Missed out on the Meme coin sensations like $DOGE, $SHIBA, $PEPE, $DOGWIFHAT, $BONK, and $FlOKI? Don't fret! Your golden opportunity has arrived with $BRETTY Token!

Bretty Was Cloned From BRETT'S DNA




Team wallet




Community Based

About Us

$BRETTY arrives on the Base Chain scene with a roar, poised to become an emblematic figure in the world of decentralized finance. Fresh from launch, this token embodies the potential for community and technology to converge in creating a dynamic ecosystem. More than a goal, community is $BRETTY's foundation.

Who is Behind $Bretty? Any Team? Any Dev?

$BRETTY is all about that 100% Community Takeover vibe! We're talking no sneaky dev wallets, no team holding onto coins like they're treasure. Nope, here, it's all out in the open, everything's transparent, and it's all about YOU, the community! We're not your average meme coin; we're the rebels, the renegades, the ones making crypto history together. So, buckle up and join the wildest ride in town – because with $BRETTY, the community's in the driver's seat! 🚀🌟!

When you realize the coin is too big to fit in the piggy bank... $Bretty to the moon!.

Dad's got the jokes, but I got the blockchain skills. #LikeFatherLikeDaughter #BrettyLegacy.

Bretty's origin story: not the hero we deserved, but the meme coin we needed! #CloneCoin


With a total supply of 100 million coins and liquidity burned 🔥, $BRETTY breaks free from the mold of traditional meme coin setups. Here's the juicy part: zero buy/sell tax! That's right, no pesky fees nibbling away at your profits or raining on your parade

No Taxes, its that simple

LP tokens are burnt

Contract ownership are renounced

how to buy $BRETTY

The Meme Coin Maverick.

Access the Buy page, download MetaMask, add ETH to your wallet for swapping. Don't miss out on the moon ride!

Connect to MetaMask or preferred wallet; ensure ETH is available for exchange. Don't miss out on the moon ride!

Select ETH for $BRETTY pairing; prepare for token swap on Uniswap interface Don't miss out on the moon ride!

Swap ETH for $BRETTY, confirm transaction details, and authorize in MetaMask to buy. $Bretty to the moon ride!


Phase: 1

  • Launch
  • Dextool, Dexscreener & Coinmarketcap Listings
  • 100% Community Takeover
  • Build Community Growth
  • Community Partnerships
  • HODL and Vibe
  • Official Marketing Begins

Phase: 2

Phase: 3

  • Meme merch
  • Marketing Blitz
  • $Bretty Game Launch
  • Cex listing
  • $Bretty to the Moon




Balance : 0 MAX


Balance : 0 MAX

No taxes, Enjoy swift, smooth swaps, buying $Bretty